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Web Forms for Literature Requests and Digitisation on Demand - Lib AAC
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Web Forms for Literature Requests and Digitisation on Demand

Workstation in Göttingen Digitisation Center

Workstation in Göttingen Digitisation Center. Photo: Martin Liebetruth CC BY 4.0

If you are a researcher or student working in the fields of English, British and Irish Studies, American Studies, Canadian Studies or Australian and New Zealand Studies and require primary or secondary literature which is not available via the standard German document delivery services (inter-library loan) you can submit your purchase requests via our webform.

You can also suggest items relevant for your research from the holdings of Göttingen State and University Library and the Library of the English Department of Göttingen University for digitization, provided they are in the public domain in Germany.

If you require a specific bibliographic or full text database for your research and would like us to negotiate a licence agreement, please send us your database recommendation.

The Library AAC team is looking forward to your suggestions!

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