Library AAC RSS Feed Library AAC en-gb SUB Göttingen Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:15:16 +0100 Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:15:16 +0100 TYPO3 EXT:news news-269 Tue, 23 Mar 2021 16:28:19 +0100 'The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research' Book Series Goes Open Access Purdue University Press offers interdisciplinary book series on research in the C-SPAN archives in Open Access. Everyone with an interest in the politics of the United States, whether as an academic or as an informed citizen, has at some point come across the name C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network). The non-profit television network offers, according to its own slogan, an “unfiltered, gavel-to-gavel” coverage of the proceedings of the U.S. Congress since 1979. Besides offering up-to-date reporting on the legislative processes of the United States, C-SPAN also features an online video archive of more than 200.000 hours of recordings going back to the year 1987. In its function as a record keeper of American politics, this archive is also an important and reliable scholarly resource.

In 2014 Robert X. Browning, the director of the C-SPAN archives at Purdue University has established the book series The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, in which six volumes have been published so far. The first volume, The C-SPAN Archives: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement (2014), offers an introduction to the tools of the archive and a series of case studies focusing on rhetorical and historical aspects, but also including approaches from the social sciences. The following volumes extend the disciplinary spectrum to political science, journalism, psychology, computer science, media and communication studies and other disciplines. The latest two publications in the series focus on president Trump’s first term and the evolution of political rhetoric in the United States.

At the beginning of 2021 Purdue University Press announced that the series will from now on be available in open access on the institutional repository Purdue e-Pubs.

American Studies
news-265 Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:53:57 +0100 Tips & Tricks for Managing Your Data End the file chaos! Some simple data management strategies and practical tips to organize and secure your data. In research and teaching, electronic data is produced and exchanged frequently and with ease. Often files are simply saved somewhere without a systematical plan. As a result, searching or identifying file versions may be unnecessarily time-consuming. With some simple strategies and a little discipline, however, organizing and securing your data becomes more effective.

news-264 Mon, 09 Nov 2020 10:07:42 +0100 The Stacks: New Publication Service Unlock your articles into Green Open Access! Send in your bibliography and we'll review which entries can be archived in The Stacks. That's all you have to do. Our Publication Service

If you'd like to publish your work in Open Access in our repository The Stacks, but you're not sure how to go about it or simply don't have the time to figure it out, we are here to make it easier for you:

Send us your list of publication and we will review and clarify the issues concerning copyright and self-archiving. Many publishers have individual policies about which version of your text to use for self-archiving and when. The review of each document is a time-consuming task, that we will happily do for you - free of charge!

We're Here to Help!

We are dedicated to making your work more accessible and visible and thus offer extensive services to support the upload of your academic work to our subject repository. 

  1. Send us your publication list via email 
  2. We review which entries can be archived according to German copyright laws and international publisher policies
  3. We send you our assessment
  4. We digitize publications that have been print-only thus far
  5. With your permission, we upload PDFs of your work and send you a persistent link

We look forward to working together with you in this endeavor. If you have questions or feedback, please let us know and get in touch

Learn more about The Stacks.

Publishing Services
news-263 Tue, 08 Sep 2020 10:18:00 +0200 New Database - African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2 FID AAC provides access to Readex database African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2 This headline from the Arkansas State Press is more than seventy years old. Sadly, it could have been taken from today's paper, except for the use of the term "negro." Especially now in the era of fake news, post-truth and alternative facts, current problems require a historical perspective and one of its most immediate expressions can be found in the newspapers of the past. We are therefore happy to announce that our partner the Library of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies has just recently licensed the comprehensive database African American Newspapers (Series 1 & 2) by Readex. The database spans one and a half centuries of African American publishing and contains more than 350 titles that cover such aspects as: life in the Antebellum South, the Abolitionist movement, growth of the Black church, the Jim Crow Era, the Great Migration, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights movement. 

The database contains such eminent publications as Freedom’s Journal, which is considered to be the first African American newspaper in the United States, Frederick Douglass' famous North Star, and Marcus Garvey's Negro World, but also many regional, lesser known papers. The search interface of the database will be easy to navigate for users already familiar with Readex's America's Historical Newspapers. It allows the browsing of titles by such criteria as title, date range or location, but also offers more advanced search options, and tools for citation and download.

Both series of African American Newspapers can be accessed here: Series 1 and Series 2

Similarly to our recently announced database Gender: Identity and Social Change wide accessibility is guaranteed through a national license for Germany that allows all users of German university libraries to explore the collection via the database information system DBIS.

Please share the news!

And if you would like to make a request for future databases, fill out this form and let us know.

Licenses American Studies Canadian Studies
news-262 Thu, 09 Jul 2020 09:57:00 +0200 Database “Gender: Identity and Social Change” Now Available FID AAC provides access to this Adam Matthew database for all researchers via a national license. Great news for all researchers and teachers working on topics of gender, identity, and social change from the 18th century until today: We licensed the “Gender: Identity and Social Change” database, provided by Adam Matthew, for you. Since it is a national license for Germany, you will be able to access it from your university’s network or via the database information system (DBIS) provided by your library. Independent scholars or scholarly-minded people without an affiliation can register for access to nation-wide licenses with the DFG (German Research Council) when they permanently reside in Germany.

The “Gender: Identity and Social Change” database is an excellent collection of primary sources for the study of women and their life realities starting in the 18th century and throughout the 19th and 20th century. Clustered according to thematic areas such as Women’s Suffrage, understandings of the body, historical views on leisure and entertainment, or the men’s movement, the database provides excellent primary resources from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Thus, it will serve all members of our diverse research community.

Search the collections now!


Highlights from the collections include

A very helpful function of the database is its Chronology tool with which yoou can trace and visualize historical developments and events. It is a timeline that lists historical events, court decisions, and publication dates according to thematic areas, thus enabling you to gain a cohesive or comparative overview of your research interests. You can also create your own list of materials and make it fit your specific analytical needs.

The database, so far, has sourced materials from the following institutions:

  1. The Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America  
  2. Trinity College, Cambridge
  3. Michigan State University Libraries
  4. Hagley Museum and Library
  5. Bryn Mawr College
  6. The John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
  7. Mary Evans Picture Library
  8. Glenbow
  9. The University of Melbourne

Enjoy exploring!

If you would like to make a request for future databases, fill out this form and let us know.

Licenses American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-259 Thu, 27 Feb 2020 17:10:08 +0100 Books, Books, Books: Mail from the GKS A great gift came all the way from Grainau - We should make this a tradition! For the third time we got packages full of Canadiana from the Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien (GKS) following their 41st annual meeting that took place from February 14 - 16, 2020 in Grainau. The topic of this year's conference was "Politische Ordnungen / Political Orders / Ordres politiques" and many renowned scholars of Candian Studies came and presented their work on the matter. Many publishers made sure to present their most recent publications on Canada during the conference's bookfair. The FID AAC was lucky enough to receive numerous of these books that we will make available to our research community as soon as possible. Thank you GKS, and in particular Dr. Nele Sawallisch from the Obama Institute for Transnational Studies at the University of Mainz for this great gift.

Canadian Studies
news-257 Tue, 25 Feb 2020 13:03:05 +0100 VDB-Fortbildung beim FID AAC Bericht zur VDB-Fortbildung für Fachreferent*innen der Anglistik & Amerikanistik an der SUB Göttingen Am 6. und 7. Februar 2020 fand nach mehrjähriger Pause wieder eine von der Kommission für Fachreferatsarbeit des Vereins Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare (VDB) veranstaltete Fortbildung für die Fachreferent*innen der Fächer Anglistik und Amerikanistik statt. Knapp dreißig Fachreferent*innen folgten der Einladung und reisten zur Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB Göttingen), wo die Veranstaltung vom Team des DFG-geförderten Fachinformationsdienstes Anglo-American Culture (FID AAC) organisiert wurde. In den Räumen des Historischen Gebäudes der Bibliothek wurden an den zwei Tagen viele aktuelle Aspekte des weiten Tätigkeitsbereichs der Fachreferent*innen in verschiedenen Formaten diskutiert. Ein Schwerpunkt der Fortbildung lag auf der Arbeit und dem Aufgabengebiet des FID AAC, dessen Team die Zielsetzungen für die zweite Förderphase skizzierte.

Nach den Grußworten des stellvertretenden Direktors der SUB Göttingen, Dr. Armin Müller-Dreier, und Dr. Karolin Bubke (Universitätsbibliothek Oldenburg), Mitglied der Kommission für Fachreferatsarbeit des VDB, eröffnete die Projektleiterin des FID AAC, Dorothea Schuller, den inhaltlichen Teil des Programms. In ihrem Vortrag „Do Libraries Dream of Electric Books?“ erörterte sie sowohl Herausforderungen bei der Namensgebung des FID, bei Lizenzverhandlungen für die überregionale Bereitstellung elektronischer Ressourcen, als auch die Anforderungen an das Erwerbungs- und Sammlungsprofil, um die oft interdisziplinär arbeitenden Wissenschaftler*innen möglichst umfassend mit der benötigten Spezial-Literatur versorgen zu können.

Ein wichtiger Baustein im Open Access-Konzepts des FID AAC ist das Fachrepositorium „The Stacks“, das von den Projektmitarbeiter*innen Dr. Tomasz Stompor und Wiebke Kartheus vorgestellt wurde. In ihrem Vortrag sprachen die beiden über das Sammlungskonzept des Repositoriums, das neben den traditionellen Zweitveröffentlichungsformaten auch „Graue Literatur“—Konferenzprogramme, Syllabi, Vorträge, etc.—veröffentlicht, um die Bandbreite des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens besser abbilden zu können. Darüber hinaus wurden die Maßnahmen zur Einwerbung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit vorgestellt, die zu erwartenden Hürden und Grenzen angesprochen und die wichtige Rolle der Fachreferent*innen als Multiplikatoren diskutiert.

Die Inhalte beider Vorträge wurden durch interessierte und produktive Diskussionen bereichert und vertieft. Fragen und Anregungen zu den Vor- und Nachteilen einer Veröffentlichung im Fachrepositorium wurden ebenso besprochen wie Details im täglichen Arbeitsablauf. Die Diskussionen im Anschluss an jedes einzelne Panel zeigten das Bedürfnis und die Wichtigkeit des professionellen Erfahrungsaustauschs und der Kompetenzbündelung. Sie prägten die Fortbildung sehr und trugen immens zum Erfolg der gesamten Veranstaltung bei.

Nach der Kaffeepause rückte der Bereich der Digital Humanities und des Forschungsdatenmanagements ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit mit einer Einführung in das Projekt Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH-DE). Dr. Andrea Bertino präsentierte einige Forschungstools, die es Wissenschaftler*innen ermöglichen sollen, ihre gesammelten Daten zu analysieren, visualisieren oder zu annotieren und somit allumfänglich zu erschließen. Die Vorstellung der dazugehörigen Forschungsumgebung TextGrid mit ihrem Daten-Repositorium TextGrid Repository und der Software TextGrid Laboratory problematisierte erneut die komplexe Situation von Doppelstrukturen und bestätigte den beträchtlich Kommunikationsbedarf, um das Potential dieser Dienste für die Zielgruppe nutzbar zu machen. Den Blogbeitrag zu Dr. Bertinos Vortrag sowie die dazugehörige Präsentation finden sie hier.

Zum Abschluss des ersten Fortbildungstages und im Gegensatz zu den abstrakten Ideen und der digitalen Beschaffenheit von Bibliothek, Archiv und Wissensvermittlung führte Dr. Christian Fieseler das Fachpublikum durch die historischen Räume und Bestände der SUB Göttingen, die seit ihrer Gründung 1734 – aufgrund der Personalunion von Hannover und Großbritannien – Bücher zum englischsprachigen Kulturraum sammelt. Anknüpfend an diese Sammlungsgeschichte wurden noch ein paar seltene Kostbarkeiten aus der England- und Amerikasammlung der SUB gezeigt. Als Highlights seien hier zwei Ausgaben des Kolumbus-Briefes von 1493, die Erstausgabe von Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick (1851), die mit aufwendigen Holzschnitten illustrierte Ausgabe von Geoffrey Chaucers Gesamtwerk der Kelmscott Press (1869) und eine handsignierte Ausgabe von Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) erwähnt. Derart inspiriert wurden viele Gespräche beim gemeinsamen Abendessen vertieft.

Der zweite Fortbildungstag begann mit dem Fachvortrag „Fiction Meets Science Meets Library“ von Dr. Anna Auguscik (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg). In ihm stellte sie die Fragestellungen und Interessenschwerpunkte des von der Volkswagenstiftung geförderten Forschungsprojektes „Fiction Meets Science“ vor. Dieses beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit englischsprachigen Romanen, die sich mit Naturwissenschaften auseinandersetzen, sondern setzt sich auch aktiv für den Wissensaustausch zwischen Schriftsteller*innen und Naturwissenschaftler*innen ein. Dr. Auguscik trat darüber hinaus mit der Frage an das Plenum, wie sie ihre eigenen Forschungsdaten nutzbar machen kann und konnte so den Bogen zu den am Vortag geführten Gesprächen spannen. Sie und ihr Kollege und Projektmitbegründer Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer sorgten mit ihrem Interesse und Diskussionsbeiträgen für einen angeregten und produktiven Transfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Fachreferat und demonstrierten so die Wichtigkeit der Rolle der Fachreferent*innen als Vermittler*innen zwischen Forschung und Infrastruktur.

Auch der nächste Programmpunkt bot viel Gelegenheit zum professionellen Dialog: An drei Thementischen konnten die Teilnehmer*innen die Themen „Aufgabenprofil Fachreferat“, „Digitale Tools“ und „Informationskompetenz/Vernetzung (mit Lehre)“ intensiv besprechen und im Anschluss die Ergebnisse der großen Runde präsentieren. Es zeigte sich wieder, wie wichtig der persönliche Erfahrungsabgleich mit den Kolleg*innen gerade für die Arbeit im Fachreferat ist, da die institutionellen Vorgaben und Arbeitsprofile sehr unterschiedlich sind. Das neue Format kam diesen Bedarf entgegen und war durch die hohe Teilnehmerzahl besonders effektiv. Um dem Wunsch der Anwesenden zu entsprechen, den Dialog über die Veranstaltung hinaus weiter zu führen, hat der FID AAC den E-Mail Verteiler für Anglistik-/Amerikanistik-Fachreferent*innen wieder aufleben lassen.

Zum Abschluss hielt Medea Seyder, Bibliotheksleiterin der Bibliothek des John-F.-Kennedy-Instituts für Nordamerikastudien an der Freien Universität Berlin, einen Vortrag über die Sammelschwerpunkte der Bibliothek. Als Projektpartnerin des FID AAC ist die JFKI-Bibliothek mit ihren umfassenden  Zeitungs-, Comic- und Graphic Novel-Beständen sowie der großen Sammlung an nordamerikanischen Filmen und TV-Serien ein wichtiger Faktor für die Umsetzung der gesteckten Ziele und die Versorgung der deutschen Fachcommunity mit wichtigen Primärquellen. Das Sammeln audiovisueller Medien bereitet vielen Bibliotheken allerdings auch Probleme, wollen sie ihren Nutzer*innen langfristig Zugang zu Schallplatten, CDs, oder Tonbändern gewähren. Als nächste große Herausforderung für Bibliotheken wurde die Lizenzierung von Streaming-Diensten benannt und erste Erfahrungen mit dem On-Demand Streaming-Dienst Kanopy ausgetauscht.

Mit diesem Beitrag endete die Fortbildung für Fachreferent*innen der Anglistik/Amerikanistik. Die institutionellen und wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Veränderungen mitzugestalten und mitzuversorgen bleibt sicherlich spannend und anspruchsvoll. Aber mit einem guten Netzwerk, zu dessen Stärkung diese Veranstaltung hoffentlich beigetragen hat, lassen sich viele Hürden leichter überwinden.

Events American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-255 Fri, 13 Dec 2019 14:52:45 +0100 Postgraduate Forum 2019: Conference Report 30th anniversary of the Postgraduate Forum on "Challenges of the Post-Truth Era in American Studies" Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association of American Studies (GAAS) convened at the University of Passau from December 5 - 7, 2019 to discuss the "Challenges of the Post-Truth Era in American Studies." The organizing team–Alexandra Hauke, Bettina Huber, and Thomas Stelzl–put together a program that demonstrated the breadth and quality of the academic work by young career researchers, introduced new formats to present research and engage in scholarly discussion, and included interactive workshops. The FID-AAC was present for two days to partake in the program and talk about its work and services for the American Studies research community. We archived the conference program in The Stacks, so you can access it permanently.

The greeting by University Vice President for Study, Teaching and Internationalization Daniela Wawra and the opening remarks by the organizing team both made clear that discussing notions of 'fact' and 'truth' is crucial in an era that is increasingly suspicious of science and experts. While facts and expertise are more important than ever to make sense of our complex surroundings, great parts of the public have lost their trust in educational, political, and social institutions and base their understanding of reality more on ideology and sentiment. In this Post-Truth Era then, the organizers stated, it is paramount to analyze the dynamics that nurture misinformation, filter bubbles, and fake news. As usual, however, the PGF not only invited papers related to the main focus of the conference but also welcomed presentations on diverse topics in American Studies.

The conference started with a panel on "Identity, Sexuality, and Narratology" and was chaired by Isabel Kalous (Gießen). It brought together three distinct perspectives and methodologies in approaching questions related to these three categories. In his talk "Closeted Narratology" Florian Zitzelsberger (Passau) called for an update of the structuralist narratological concept of metalepsis. He argued that metalepsis, understood as a transgression of internally hierarchized narrative worlds, could be analyzed as a queer signifying practice if the normativizing structuralist framework from which it originated was to be reevaluated. Selina Foltinek (Bayreuth) spoke to the advantages of taking a postcritical approach in analyzing narratives from different time periods about female same-sex relationships. In "The Creative Potential of Literature" she demonstrated how phenomenological and reparative readings that focus on positive knowledge can be employed to examine social issues and shift public debates away from an overemphasis of the hermeneutics of suspicion. In her presentation "Transmedial Negotiations of Sexual Violence in When They See Us" Mascha Helene Lange (Leipzig) discussed how the Netflix series by Ava DuVernay strategically intervenes into racialized and stigmatizing discourses surrounding the story of the so-called Central Park Five. Lange showed how the seriality of the narrative, together with its uses of intertextuality and metalapsis, work to reframe these discourses and reestablish themes of justice and truth.

In their efforts to open up the conference to a broader public, the organizers arranged the panel discussion "Fake News? Europe und die USA im Desinformationszeitalter" with four professionals who engage with fake news in different contexts: the politician Christian Filsek (SPD), who was part of the official NSA investigation committee in 2014; the author and journalist Bettina Horaczek, whose work focuses on the political and social effects of right-wing propaganda in Europe; Carolin Jansen, member of the federally funded project DORIAN - Exposing and Combating Fake News; and Johannes Völz, professor of American Studies at the University of Frankfurt, whose most recent work deals with populism, polarity, and fake news in the US. Two hours of constructive discussion covered a lot of ground, including the effects of echo chambers and algorithms on our daily news consumption, the cultural dimensions of populism and polarization within Western democracies as well as the influence and rhetorics of sentimentality on public debates.

The panel was also quite successful in formulating concrete solution strategies for the audience: Teaching media literacy has to be prioritzed on all levels of education and public debate. Journalism should not report disproportionately about recent societal and political developments and should more often reflect on the metalevel of events to illuminate the bigger picture. Specifically for American Studies scholars in Germany two important points were raised that need attention and further discussion: 1) American Studies scholars are underrepresented in news coverage on recent developments in the US to contextulalize and explain their (historic) reasons and (long-term) effects because 2) American Studies as an academic field has arguably stopped to offer action models and frameworks useful for public debate. Therefore, such was the overall consensus of the discussion, it is crucial to continuously and relentlessly discuss and reflect upon the current political climate on the platforms each participant is given.

Day two of the conference started with a large panel on the "Transnational Dimensions of American Studies" and was chaired by Juliann Knaus (Graz). First speaker of the day was Chang Liu (Heidelberg) who traced the "Afterlife of American Musical Waste" in China to examine how the global politics and economics of waste leave physical as well as cultural imprints on nations along the lines of class, race, and ethnicity. Chris Katzenberg (Bochum) then talked about "Postindustrial Urban Change across the Atlantic" and the urban 'ghetto' in the 21st-century contexts of urban reform, social mobility, and transatlantic exchange. Third speaker of the panel was Natasha Anderson (Mainz) who reflected in her talk "Outsiders Looking in" on the mediating and defamiliarizing role of three non-US-American comedians as political commentators within the American media landscape.

After a short intermission, Julia Wewior (Wuppertal) continued with her talk "Conflating War and Migration" in which she talked about the exception discourse in the novel The Framing of Bones. She showed how the novel's depicition of Haitian migrant bodies in the Dominican Rebpublic as unimaginable, unintelligible, and ungrievable anticipates problems of the post-truth era and offers strategies to work through them. In her paper "Legacies of Im/Mobilization" Sigrid Thomsen interrogated the cane field as place of extreme violence and im/mobility in the work of Edwidge Danticat, Junot Diaz, and Roxanne Gay. She thus spoke to the importance of sugar-related discourses of place and non-place in Caribbean narratives. 

Next on the agenda was the new format of the poster session "The Many Faces of American Studies." Five early career scholars presented their projects and ideas accompanied by their poster to smaller groups of participants. These groups, selected according to icons chosen at the registration, travelled from poster to poster every thirteen minutes. It was a very engaging format that enabled lively and direct discussions with the presenters and furthered a deeper understanding of the status and scope of the respective projects.

  • Axelle Germanaz (Erlangen-Nürnberg) presented the current state of her timely research on "The American White Power Movement, National Myths, and the Logics of Exceptionalism" that examines how American myths such as the 'City upon a Hill' relate to far-right rhetorics on the internet and elsewhere in the context of white supremacy and fake news. 
  • Raja-Léon Hamann (Halle-Wittenberg) introduced his audience to his anthropological research on "Being and Becoming Gullah Geechee" that critically investigates how identity movements in the current age of post-truth and appropriation relate to and resist established notions of creole, pidgin, and 'primitivism.' 
  • In her presentation "Nineteenth-Century Digitized German-American Newspapers," Jana Keck (Stuttgart) explained the intricacies of her digital approach to the study of German-American Culture as well as her critical and programming methodology for investigating the reuse of newspaper segments.
  • Bethany Webster-Parmentier (Flensburg) shared the concepts that lie at the center of her project "Indigenous North American Gothic: Narratives of Presence, Strength, and Survivance" in which she investigates the intersections and potentials of Native American Gothic storytelling and the Western Gothic tradition that has been predominately white and anthropocentric.
  • Christina Wurst (Tübingen) then presented her poster on "Implicit Controversial Discourses on Gender in Pop Culture Fan Spaces" in which she analyzes the dynamics of rhetorics of gender in online fan discussions about Captain Marvel and the most recent Star Wars movies.

The afternoon session was an interactive workshop on "Teaching American Studies," led by Viola Huang from the SKILL-project at the University of Passau. The 90-minute-workshop was aimed at answering questions of how and why university teachers do what they do and offered strategies how to mediate knowledge, knowledge production, and knowledge use via new media and technologies. Special focus lay on teaching media literacy, a practice central to democracy, participation, and critical thinking. Huang emphasized the importance of conveying skills to produce knowledge rather than consuming or collecting knowledge and showed ways in which new media can be integrated in the classroom in meaningful ways. To explore these ways further, the participants were divided into six groups according to interest and were tasked to discuss and conceptualize different aspects of the American Studies classroom and give short presentations about the group's results at the end; these aspects included "space," "content," and "digitization and technology." The short presentations at the end of the group activity powerfully showed the potential of teaching American Studies with a focus on media literacy, but also exemplified the challenges and hindrances in implementing new approaches.

The day ended with the "PGF Meeting" during which the PGF-representative for the GAAS, Judith Rauscher, shared her annual report. Furthermore, COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, the peer-reviewed journal that publishes the proceedings of the annual PGF meetings, as well as the Libary AAC introduced their services and possibilities, such as the subject repository The Stacks where the conference's program has been archived. The meeting was followed by networking opportunities during a visit to the historic Christmas Market and dinner afterwards. Unfortunately, the representatives of the Library AAC could not stay for the third and final day of the PGF conference, but if the last day was anything like the first two, it was engaging, people-oriented, scholarly excellent, and well-organized. Thank you for such a welcoming atmosphere in which young American Studies scholars discussed their own projects and the challenges of fake news, post-truth, and populism in a productive and solution-oriented way.

Events American Studies
news-249 Thu, 05 Dec 2019 11:40:10 +0100 William Blake Exhibition at TATE Britain and The William Blake Archive Check out the TATE Digital Archive and the William Blake Archive. In September 2019 TATE Britain opened a large exhibition of William Blake’s works. With more than three hundred items on display, it is the largest show of the visionary artist’s oeuvre for almost twenty years. The scale of the event was recently exemplified by a spectacular projection illuminating St. Paul’s Cathedral with Blake's work “The Ancient of Days” (1794) that honored the occasion of his 262nd birthday on Nov. 28th (read more about it in the Guardian). The exhibition is open until February 2., so do not miss out on this exceptional opportunity, if you are in London.

For those of you who cannot make it to London, we would like to introduce you to TATE’s digital archive that holds more than 52.000 items, which can be viewed online and also includes many digital reproductions of William Blake’s works. The archive focuses on “documenting the history of fine art practice in the UK” and its scope exceeds mere art objects, but also includes such material as “letters, writings, sketchbooks, audio-visual material, photographs, ephemera, press cuttings and objects.” As such, it presents a valuable trove of sources for art historians and researchers with a focus on Great Britain. The digitized section is only a fraction of the TATE Archive that describes itself as “the world’s largest archive of British art," and the majority of its materials can only be accessed on site. During a five-year program called Archives & Access, the collection has been supplemented by a series of digital tools that support its exploration and the research of its objects. Additionally, the program also included the development and implementation of measures to foster outreach, education, and participation.

The digital reproductions of William Blake’s works in the TATE Archive are available as low resolution images through a CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported) license. Given their date of origin, the majority of William Blake’s works are available in the public domain and there are many libraries and websites that provide digitized versions of his texts and reproductions of the plates. Still, William Blake’s work is unique in its complex interrelation of text, image, and the underlying technologies of production, reproduction and editing. Not every digital archive is able to account for this intermedial complexity to the full extent. The most comprehensive and state­-of-the-art digital archive that documents William Blake’s oeuvre is The William Blake Archive hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and sponsored by the Library of Congress, the University of Rochester, and the Scholarly Editions and Translations Division of the National Endowment for the Humanities. This archive has been an ongoing project since 1996 and has evolved into a cutting edge resource that provides a variety of digital research tools (e.g. lightbox, transcription, full-text search) and meticulous documentation of its holdings (provenance, full editorial information). It includes the complete Illuminated Books, commercial book illustrations, and various other visual works and manuscripts of the artist. The collection is being updated continuously and you can subscribe to the archive’s newsletter to stay informed about current additions.

American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-246 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 15:15:09 +0100 "Mediating Mountains": AAAS Conference Report Report from the 46th annual conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) From November 22 - 24, the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) held their annual meeting at the University of Innsbruck and invited speakers from Austria, Germany, France, Sweden, and the US to discuss the conference's topic "Mediating Mountains" from various perspectives. Set in the Alpine region of Tyrol, Innsbruck served as the perfect background to explore the many "guises" in which mountains "confront" us, as the organizers stated in their CFP for the conference. Nearly seventy scholars were invited to engage in lively discussions throughout the weekend. In the face of the global climate crisis, the tone of many talks and conversations carried more urgency. Thus, ecocriticism and the critique of the Anthropocene were important undercurrants of this conference.

The title was well chosen for this conference as it can be read in two ways: 1) "Mediating Mountains," i.e. how mountains are mediated by other means such as film, literature, or photography, and 2) "Mediating Mountains," i.e. how mountains' physical and abstract presence mediates our way of thinking about nature, the environment, or history. Having these two interrelated perspectives of how mountains shape our reality opened up the floor for many interdisciplinary discussions.

The Keynotes

Three keynotes explored the way in which mountains are framed and utilized in visual culture, yet placed their respective examples within different historical, ideological, and experiential contexts, thus covering much more ground than their primary texts. Jennifer Peterson, Chair of the Department of Communication at Woodbury University, gave her keynote lecture “Highroads and Skyroads: Cinematic Mountains and the US National Park Service” on Friday afternoon. During her talk, she traced the evolution of the concepts of wilderness, modernity, and the Anthropocene with regards to mountains by analyzing and historicizing informational films about US National Parks in the West that were produced by the US National Park Service and the US Department of the Interior during the 1920s and 1930s. Peterson convincingly outlined the influence of roadbuilding, auto-mobility, and fossil capitalism by framing these films within the dynamics of advertisement and ideas of ‘wilderness’ and recreation—ideas that only emerged outside of nature spaces. The material Peterson presented attested to the tenuous relationship between onscreen nature spaces promising recreation, nature, and freedom on the one hand, and the obsession with technology, mobility, and cars on the other. Promoting automobiles against the backdrop of great mountainous scenery, said Peterson, not only speaks to the historically grown dependence on technology but also to the creation and promotion of recreation in National Parks for the masses.

The effects of these promotional nature films were later illustrated in a screening of four silent films—among them Roads in Our National Parks (1927), Land of the Lofty Mountains (1936), and The Olympus Country (1936)—accompanied on piano by Gregor Blösl. It became clear how these films combined the story of opening up the land via roads with emotional and scenic visuals to create an affective American narrative of conquering the Western wilderness.

In his keynote lecture “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy: Two Landscapes of the Anthropocene 1970 and 2014,” Sean Cubitt, professor of Film and Television at Goldsmiths, University of London tries to think about imagination without romanticizing or pathologizing it in order to illustrate that the Anthropocene is a shared, participatory dystopian imagination that is always threatened by the tyranny of the present. By comparing two film adaptations of the traditional Chinese story Tracks in the Snowy Forest, Cubitt investigated how the way in which mountains are imagined on screen has changed over time and what these changes can tell us about the collective imaginary at two important points in time. He linked the CGI-technology of the 2014 movie by Tsui Hark back to the stage props and set paintings of the 1970 movie, in order to point to a continuation of a mechanism that constantly references mountains to imagine the mountains in their symbolic function as projection screens of a collective imagination. And this mechanism, Cubitt concluded, is relentlessly repeated in the Anthropocene.

The final keynote by Sascha Pöhlmann, titled “Thereness: Video Game Mountains as Limits of Interactivity,” concluded the official part of the conference on Sunday. Pöhlmann, who is interim Professor of North American Literature and Culture at the University of Konstanz, conceptualized the mediation of mountains with “thereness” which describes the experiential quality of mountains in video games. Using three mountain-centered games—Celeste (2018), Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy (2017), and Mountain (2014)—he explained how mountains are employed in these games to invite and resist being engaged by humans. Interestingly, you can’t really play with the mountains in these games, nor do they serve as scenic backgrounds or pathos-driven metaphors. The fact that these games put limitations on the power-and-control mechanisms that players have become used to, not only elevates the existence of the mountains to an experience beyond ourselves, Pöhlmann argued, but also offers the opportunity to analyze underlying criticisms of power, consumerism, or social normativity that these limitations evoke.

The Panels

The great variety and quality of the seventeen panels substantiated the benefit of using mountain studies as a lens through which to approach, analyze, historicize, and negotiate North America. The sheer number of contributions and selected talks exemplifies the usefulness of this angle within the American Studies community in Austria, Germany, and beyond. Ranging from different disciplines such as film studies in the panel “Mountain Cinema” to musicology in “Mountains and Music” to social history in “Appalachia: Sacred Space and Spiritual Ecology,” the panel selection spoke to the breadth of scholarly engagement. Panels such as “Ecological Narratives,” “Mountains and Masculinity,” and “Mountains as Figures of Identity” exemplified the productivity of analyzing mountains to explore notions of genre, gender, or identity. Other crucial mountain-related aspects such as femininity, whiteness, American colonialism, the Native American genocide and adjoining considerations of racism, displacement, and social justice, were often implied in Q&As and discussions, yet were not part of the official program. To more fully make use of the academic productivity of mountain scholarship, extra effort should be put to encourage work in these areas.

The panel “Photographic Construction of Mountains” chaired by Ingrid Gessner (Vorarlberg) brought together four perspectives that negotiated mountain photography. Sabine Sielke’s (Bonn) “Revisiting Brokeback Mountain, or: How Mountains Matter” read mountains in Ang Lee’s 2005 film as liminal space for the transgression of norms in which the power of the imaginary—informed by the Western genre as much as by Melodrama—, the visual memory—informed by artists such as Ansel Adams, Edward Hopper, and William Eggleston—, and the repertoire of meaning that mountains symbolize come together to negotiate class, homosexuality, as well as the natural. In her talk “The Power of Collective Vision: Landscape, Visual Media, and the Production of American Mountains,” Danielle Raad (Amherst) reflected upon Jean Baudrillard’s concepts of the Premodern, the Modern, and the Postmodern to investigate how mountain images have been appropriated to fit national narratives, as exemplified by panoramas and stereoscopes. Special focus lay on the way personal experiences are mediated by preformulated images that often exclude alternative conceptions of landscape e.g. by Native Americans or African Americans. Hannah Zindel (Lüneburg) traced the historical impact of alpine ballooning in her talk “Aerial Alps: Balloon Photography and Mountain Modeling in the 19th Century.” She focused on the work of geologist Albert Heim and Eduard Spelterini, balloon captain and photographer, who embarked on numerous balloon flights across the Alps to improve cartography through photographs and reliefs. Ballooning, first undertaken to understand mountains better, facilitated the production of natural reliefs a craft that, as shown, is as much scientific as it is artistic. Discussing Barry Goldwater’s landscape photography of Arizona, Susann Köhler (Göttingen) investigated both of Goldwater’s personas—the politician and the amateur-photographer—in her talk “‘Down the Rugged Canyon Route’”. Reading the photographs against the backdrop of his political career and understanding how the two aspects intersect, shed light on the politics and aesthetics of this conservative politician.

“Building Mountains: Visual Landmarks and Narrative Functions,” the panel on architecture, was chaired by Robert Winkler (Gießen). Unfortunately, Sabrina Mittermeier (Augsburg) could not attend. Therefore, the panelists Julia Lange (Hamburg) and Wiebke Kartheus (Göttingen) were able to expand upon their talks a little bit more and left enough room for a lively discussion afterwards. In her talk “Taking Bauhaus to the Mountains: Capitalism, Modernism, and the Aspen Jet Set,” Lange delineated the history of Bauhaus architecture in the Rocky Mountains and illuminated the question of how Aspen—the mining town-turned-high-class-ski-resort—could become a Mekka for Modernist architecture. As so often in American local history, the vision of an individual, in this case William Paepcke, was the driving force behind a cultural phenomenon. Kartheus followed the trajectories of ongoing architecture projects at the Denver Art Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in her talk “From the Rocky Mountains to the Hollywood Hills” to explore how both institutions implement their surroundings to narrate themselves, their collections, as well as their communities. Pre-formulated imaginaries, she argued, that are activated by the collections themselves or broadly-disseminated images in the media are called-upon by the art museums to place them within the American West, whose art tradition is not as well-established as in the the Eastern part of the country.

During the last session on Sunday morning, the panel “Commodifying Verticality: Symbols, Systems, and Snow” took a systemic approach to explore commercially-driven dynamics surrounding mountains. Carolin Roeder (Berlin) tied commodification to professionalization in mountain climbing during her presentation “How Hard Is Hard? Climbing Grades and the Classification of Verticality in the Twentieth Century.” She explained how understanding the complex notions of difficulty grading can be used as a productive angle to investigate tensions between the individual and the collective, the objective and the subjective, and the global and the local, that were so prevalent in the 20th century. Ultimately, she concluded, the essence of mountain climbing is the experience of verticality, an experience that through the system of difficulty grading has become shareable. In her talk “Logos on Everest” Rachel Gross (Munich) followed the question of how specialized sports attire and equipment became everyday wear. Taking an approach that combines business history with the history of mountain climbing and outdoor clothing gave a great perspective to understand the development of sponsor-climber-partnerships over time and the effects of well-placed sponsorships during mountain tours with regards to increased popularity and profits. Jesse Ritner (Austin) looked at snow-making systems in his talk “Making Snow and Designing X-Games: Technological Innovation and the Production of a New Ski Culture.” Using the technology and history of snow-making as his trajectory, Ritner explored how the ever-presence of snow and its altered materiality changed the course of ski-tourism in the US since the late 1940s and ultimately led to the formation of a new subculture—snowboarding and extreme skiing—that is now on its way into the mainstream by way of commercialization as exemplified by the X-Games.

The status of Appalachia as one of the US mountain regions that are most present in the collective imaginary was well reflected in the conference program and showed a strong commitment to a cross-cultural, mountain-focused cooperation. Appalachia was not only represented in many panels and presentations that focused on this region, its history, geology, literature, and ecology, but also by the numerous scholars from the region who were present and shared their expertise in many conversations. The in-depth knowledge of the region became especially apparent in the panel discussion on Saturday night during which Jessie Blackburn, Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of the English Department at Appalachian State University, and Cameron D. Lippard, Chair of Sociology at Appalachian State University, presented on current re-formulations of Appalachian economics in relation to alcohol. Blackburn thematized Appalachian mountain vineyards and the way in which historical, cultural, regional, recreational, and environmental subjectivities are mediated in relation to wine making and tasting. “Bottling Steep Slopes” gave an excellent overview about these positive developments in the region but was also concerned with the difficulties of stigma and stereotypes that resonate with Appalachia. At the same time, she argued, wine tourism has to sell ‘nostalgic’ and ‘authentic’ notions of the region to stay profitable and to create a sense of heritage and the ‘posh rural’ that can be bottled and taken to the metropolitan areas. Nonetheless, said Blackburn, the wine industry offers a way out of the reliance on fossil capitalism.

Contrary to the expected longevity of wine making in Appalachia, the re-emergence of distilleries that produce moonshine can only be described as short-lived, according to Lampard. With the popularity of craft beer, there was also a found-again interest in making moonshine starting around 2008 when distilleries were legalized, Lippard stated during his talk “Modern Moonshine: the Revival of White Whiskey in the Twenty-First Century.” Moonshine with its connotations of prohibition, illegality, poverty, and individual legends presented a curios product to outsiders, who would buy an experience. Nowadays, however, many legal distilleries have to expand to making other forms of alcohol such as gin or rum; or have to put their moonshine into barrels in order to guarantee a more stable business model. In his talk, Lippard could relate the story of moonshine in Appalachia and its problematic past and present not just through rhetoric but also by offering ‘Original Appalachian Moonshine’ to an audience eager to learn.

The 46th annual conference of the AAAS on “Mediating Mountains” was an excellently organized, engaging event beautifully framed by the Alps and brought to life by an expert community interested in exchanging ideas and experiences. Christian Quendler and Cornelia Klecker did an outstanding job in hosting this event and the Advisory Committee selected great speakers and thought-provoking topics, thus providing a sound basis for all scholarly discussions.

Events American Studies
news-243 Thu, 21 Nov 2019 12:57:19 +0100 The Congressional Record as a Scholarly Resource In case you missed the current impeachment hearings, we show you the sources where you can look it all up word by word. In tune with the current media hubbub around the beginning of the public hearings in the House's impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump last week, dubbed by various late night television hosts as a new daytime reality show, we want to show you the sources where you can actually look it all up word by word. As a public institution committed to transparency, The United States Congress offers a wide array of resources documenting its daily proceedings in the public domain.

The central organ which documents all debates and proceedings of the House of Representatives and the Senate is The Congressional Record, which began its publication in 1873. Those early volumes until 2015 are now available in digitized form. The most convenient way to access the current proceedings of both chambers online (1989 until today) is offered on the website of the United States Congress and also via an app for Apple devices.

The lawmaking proceedings reaching back to the first congress are contained in the Annals of Congress (1789 – 1824) available through the Library of Congress on the website “A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation,” where you can also find comprehensive documentation of the origins of the republic and the Continental Congress of 1774.

For those of you who are interested in the history of impeachment, you might want to delve into The Journal of the House of Representatives of March 2nd 1868 and the Journal of the Senate to look back upon how the first presidential impeachment trial against president Andrew Johnson unfolded. A comprehensive summary of the events can be found on the official United States Senate website.

For the latest updates and commentary on the current impeachment hearings, you might want to rely on your trustworthy news sources, but you can also follow the documentation on the website of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that conducts the impeachment hearings.

American Studies
news-240 Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:16:41 +0200 Bilder in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen Korrekte Bildnachweise erstellen und Urheberrechtsverletzungen vermeiden - Tipps für die Praxis Das korrekte Verwenden und Nachweisen von Bildern im wissenschaftlichen Kontext ist nicht schwer, sofern die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und der Verwendungszweck klar sind. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir Ihnen einige praktische Tipps geben, wie Sie schnell zu dieser Klarheit gelangen, Urheberrechtsverletzungen vermeiden, sich durch durch korrekte Bildnachweise absichern und Ihre Publikationen außerdem problemlos im Open Access zweitveröffentlichen können.

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Publishing Services
news-235 Mon, 13 May 2019 13:46:27 +0200 – Ressourcen für die Medienforschung unterstützt Sie, wenn Sie zu Medien und Kommunikation forschen - unabhängig von Ihrer Fachrichtung. Seit 2014 entwickelt die Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig den Fachinformationsdienst (FID) für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Filmwissenschaft als zentrales Literatur- und Rechercheportal. Der Dienst richtet sich dabei nicht nur an Forschende in den Medien-, Kommunikations- und Filmwissenschaften, sondern explizit auch an Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die etwa in der Anglistik oder Amerikanistik zu Hause sind und sich in ihrer Forschung mit Medien und Kommunikation befassen.

Wie unterstützt Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler bei ihrer Forschung?

FID Network American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-224 Mon, 29 Apr 2019 13:50:23 +0200 Nicht nur vom Rio Grande bis Feuerland Der FID Lateinamerika, Karibik und Latino Studies und seine Angebote zum anglo-amerikanischen Raum Im Rahmen des DFG-Förderprogramms Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft baut das Ibero-Amerikanische Institut seit 2016 den Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Lateinamerika, Karibik und Latino Studies auf. Hier stehen neben der kontinuierlichen Erwerbung aktueller Publikationen im Rahmen einer e-preferred-Strategie forschungsrelevante, antiquarische Zeitschriften sowie große Datenbanken mit Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und weiteren Materialien im Volltext im Fokus. Weitere zentrale Punkte sind der Dialog mit der Wissenschaft, die enge Kooperation mit Fachverbänden, Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten und die Erprobung neuer Wege der Kommunikation zwischen Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken zur Informationsversorgung und zum Erwerb von benötigten Publikationen und Medien.

Eine besondere Herausforderung stellt die Multidisziplinarität dar: Wie kann der FID gleichzeitig die Forschenden im Bereich der Kulturanthropologie und in der Humangeographie, in der Archäologie und in der Philosophie erreichen? Auch die Zuschnitte der Wissenschaftsfelder befinden sich im Wandel: die Erforschung der Süd-Süd-Beziehungen, transregionale Studien und Migrationsforschung gewinnen neben der geographisch definierten Lateinamerikanistik und den thematisch eng umrissenen Chicano Studies zunehmend an Bedeutung.

So ist auf Workshops im Dialog mit Wissenschaftler*innen die Definition des FID Lateinamerika, Karibik und Latino Studies als multidisziplinärem und multilingualen Fachinformationsdienst entstanden, der die Forschung zu Lateinamerika und zur spanischsprachigen Bevölkerung der USA abdeckt, explizit die Karibik - auch mit ihren englisch-, französisch- und niederländischsprachigen Inseln - einschließt und sich den transregionalen Verflechtungen und globalen Migrationen widmet. Anglist*innen, Amerikanist*innen und alle anderen Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftler*innen, die sich mit dem anglophonen Raum beschäftigen, finden im FID Lateinamerika, Karibik und Latino Studies beispielsweise Medien und Information zur anglophonen Karibik, zu den vielfältigen Verflechtungen Lateinamerikas mit den USA, zu historischen Themen der Auswanderung von Europa nach Amerika und zu aktuellen Fragen der Migration auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent. Die seit langem mit der SUB Göttingen bestehenden Erwerbungsabsprache und Kooperationen zu den Latino Studies wurden in das neue FID-Programm übernommen und sichern die Literaturversorgung zu diesem Gebiet.

FID Network American Studies
news-219 Tue, 09 Apr 2019 15:18:26 +0200 – Fachinformationsdienst Geschichtswissenschaft Services auch für die Forschung zum angloamerikanischen Kulturraum Seit Januar 2016 bieten die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek und das Deutsche Museum – letzteres verantwortlich für die Subdisziplin Geschichte der Technik, Naturwissenschaften und Umwelt – im Fachinformationsdienst „“ ein digitales Informationsangebot zum gesamten Spektrum der Geschichtswissenschaft ab dem Frühmittelalter an. Viele der digitalen Dienste sind auch für Forschende der Geschichte des angloamerikanischen Kulturraums von großem Interesse.

FID Network American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-214 Thu, 14 Mar 2019 13:34:00 +0100 Entdecken Sie die Angebote des FID Romanistik Frankokanadische Literatur, Angebote zum Forschungsdatenmanagement und Open Access-Publizieren Für romanistisch Forschende erwirbt der FID Romanistik umfassend Primär- und Sekundärliteratur. Einbezogen sind hier insbesondere auch die frankophonen Regionen Kanadas. Außerdem bieten wir Dienste an, die auch für andere Philologien bzw. für die Geisteswissenschaften interessant sind: Informieren Sie sich über Forschungsdatenmanagement und Open Access-Publizieren. Nutzen Sie dazu auch unsere Social Media-Kanäle!

Wir stellen Ihnen hier unsere Angebote vor, die alle über das Portal des FID Romanistik erreichbar sind:

FID Network Canadian Studies
news-211 Wed, 23 Jan 2019 12:37:00 +0100 Library AAC Awarded Second Phase of Funding We are continuing our services - and building a new collection! We are very happy to announce that the Library AAC's renewal proposal for a second three-year period has been successful. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of its "Specialised Information Services" programme (Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft) and is maintained by Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) in cooperation with the Library of the John F. Kennedy Institute (JFKI) at FU Berlin. The Library of Anglo-American Culture & History is providing literature and information services for Germany-based scholars and students in all academic fields relating to the anglophone world (English Studies, British & Irish Studies, Anglophone Literatures & Cultures, Australian & New Zealand Studies, American Studies, Canadian Studies). We invite you to use our services:

  • Our collections: We continue to collect primary sources and specialist scholarly literature in the subject areas listed above. All items from our collections can be obtained via interlibrary loan.
  • Request It: If you need specialist literature, primary sources or other materials which are not available via the established German document delivery services, send us your requests!
  • Publish It: Publish or archive the results of your academic work in The Stacks, our Open Access subject repository, and make your research more visible.
  • Search: Explore the holdings of SUB Göttingen and the JFKI Library, search literature and sources, consult our search tips or reuse them for teaching.
  • NEW: Collection of British, Irish, Australian and New Zealand TV series: To complement the collection of North American TV series at the JFKI, SUB Göttingen will build a collection of British, Irish, Australian and New Zealand television series on DVD and Blu-ray Disc. Send us your suggestions via the request form or by e-mail!

We are looking forward to your requests, feedback and suggestions!

For the team of the Library AAC

Dorothea Schuller and Almut Breitenbach


news-208 Tue, 18 Dec 2018 11:13:08 +0100 The Library as Research Instrument What Coleridge did in Göttingen - Maximiliaan van Woudenberg. Coleridge and Cosmopolitan Intellectualism 1794-1804: The Legacy of Göttingen University. London, New York: Routledge, 2018. Routledge Studies in Romanticism 23. Earlier this year, Maximiliaan van Woudenberg published a study on Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s 1799 stay in Göttingen. As the influence of this period on Coleridge’s life and work has been analysed with quite different results, van Woudenberg has choosen to reassess it by closely studying the relevant sources – including some so far unexamined primary records – against the backdrop of the Göttingen intellectual and historical context in which Coleridge worked. These aspects are viewed as a “constellation” – referring to the methodology of Konstellationsforschung – which influenced Coleridge's working process and intellectual interests.

Van Woudenberg describes Göttingen University Library as a central element in this constellation where Coleridge spent much of his time studying, searching for sources and transcribing. At the time, the Göttingen cataloguing system represented a brand-new research innovation with the Classified Catalogue (“Band-Realkatalog”) documenting the ongoing research processes in an encompassing range of subjects and disciplines. Van Woudenberg thoroughly studies the organisation of Göttingen University Library at the time and the way it was used, particularly describing the important role of the Classified Catalogue which displayed the research progress in a field. At the time, Coleridge might not have been allowed to access the catalogue by himself, so most likely he was assisted by a library custodian, as van Woudenberg points out. He shows how Coleridge was strongly influenced by working with the help of this tool, systematically gaining access to a wide array of sources which he otherwise might not have known of. The catalogue also demanded an understanding and the handling of the classification as a complex knowledge structure, the influence of which surfaces in Coleridge’s work even decades later, as the author shows. By closely tracing Coleridge’s working processes in different types of historical records, van Woudenberg’s study highlights in an impressive way how library collections and particularly the way in which access is provided to them influence or even shape the research methods of scholars.

If you would like to do what Coleridge did in Göttingen and browse our historical collections, use the electronic version of our old Classified Catalogue! If you are not in Göttingen, we are unfortunately not able to assist you personally, but we don’t leave you alone with this mighty tool: Use our guides on how to find your way through the historical classification system which you find in our subject-specific Search Tips (see “Browse the Historical Holdings [Works Published up to 1945])”!

Read van Woudenberg's excellent study:

Van Woudenberg, Maximiliaan. Coleridge and Cosmopolitan Intellectualism 1794-1804: The Legacy of Göttingen University. London, New York: Routledge, 2018. Routledge Studies in Romanticism 23. [SUB library catalogue entry]

British & Irish Studies
news-205 Tue, 18 Sep 2018 18:49:00 +0200 Library AAC Has Opened The Stacks for You Publish and archive your research in The Stacks, our Open Access repository! Today we are launching The Stacks, our interdisciplinary Open Access repository. Researchers of American studies, Anglophone literatures & cultures, Australian & New Zealand studies, British & Irish studies, Canadian studies and English, including all sub-fields, are invited to publish and archive their articles and monographs as well as conference and seminar materials in The Stacks. Complete volumes of journals and other periodicals may also be archived. All items will be available in Open Access, either immediately or after a time span of your choice.

Make your research more visible and available worldwide by publishing it Open Access!

Visit The Stacks at and read more about publishing in our repository.

news-198 Tue, 10 Jul 2018 17:42:39 +0200 Zur Wirkung der kanadischen Grundrechtecharta Greene, Ian. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: 30+ Years of Decisions that Shape Canadian Life. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 2014. Die kanadische Charta der Rechte und Freiheiten (Grundrechtecharta) hat seit ihrer Annahme als Teil der kanadischen Verfassung im Jahr 1982 grundlegend zur Verbesserung der Lebensumstände vieler Kanadier beigetragen. Sie verlangt, dass Gerichte das Für und Wider der Grundrechte eingehend abwägen, bevor sie ihre Entscheidungen treffen. Aufgrund der Charta wurde beispielsweise Strafgefangenen das Recht zur Teilnahme an Wahlen eingeräumt und die Behandlung des Kindersoldaten Omar Khadr durch die Harper-Regierung als Verletzung seiner Rechte angesehen.

Dieses Buch baut auf diesen und anderen Entscheidungen auf, um eine Vielzahl bedeutender Möglichkeiten darzustellen, wie das kanadische Leben in einer großen Bandbreite von Themen durch die Grundrechtecharta gestaltet wird. Auf diese Weise gibt es zum einen Einblicke in grundlegende Themen, die in der kanadischen Gesellschaft diskutiert werden. Zum anderen zeigt insbesondere das abschließende Kapitel eindrücklich, wie komplex und von vielen Faktoren abhängig die gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Verhältnisse sind und dementsprechend schwer einschätzbar die Wirkung von Gesetzen auf diese ist. So konnte die Charta einige ihrer intendierten Ziele nicht oder nur unvollkommen erreichen, dafür aber andere Wirkungen erzielen, die zunächst nicht im Blick waren. Das Buch soll eine Einladung zu einer differenzierten und reflektierten Betrachtung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Grundrechten und Gesellschaft am Beispiel Kanadas sein – eine Betrachtungsweise, die heute vielleicht nötiger ist als je zuvor.

Jetzt verfügbar: [SUB library catalogue entry]

Canadian Studies
news-196 Wed, 18 Apr 2018 18:42:20 +0200 Aus dem Alltag der Erwerbung in der Library AAC ... oder: Was ist eigentlich eine FID-Collection? Anmerkungen am Beispiel von Robin O'Sullivan. American Organic. A Cultural History of Farming, Gardening, Shopping, and Eating. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2015. Wenn Bibliothekare ihre Sammlungen präsentieren, so sind es zumeist Cimelien oder mittlerweile auch gerne digitalisierte Sammlungen, auf alle Fälle aber aus dem Durchschnitt der wissenschaftlichen Sekundärliteratur herausfallende Stücke und Projekte, die vorgezeigt werden. Der Alltag der Arbeit für einen geisteswissenschaftlichen Fachinformationsdienst (FID) besteht aber - immer noch - vor allem auch aus der Sichtung der Masse der aktuellen Veröffentlichungen des einschlägigen Publikationsmarktes. Darunter sind dann Bücher wie American Organic von Robin O’Sullivan. Eine typische wissenschaftliche Monographie, die in einer mittleren amerikanischen University Press erschienen ist, gute Rezensionen erhalten hat (z.B. im Journal of American History, Bd. 103, 2017, S. 1064-1065) und - auch wenn diese Wertung natürlich sehr subjektiv ist - ein aus deutscher Sicht ausgesprochen interessantes und aktuelles Thema behandelt. USA und Öko-Landbau werden in der Regel in Deutschland nicht sofort assoziert.

Auch wenn man als Historiker das Buch interessant finden mag, so ist es nicht allein und nicht zuerst der Inhalt, den wiederum der Bibliothekar interessiert. Eine Frage, mit der man sich als FID-Bibliothekar auseinandersetzen muss, ist, wie viele andere Bibliotheken in Deutschland eigentlich das Buch ebenfalls erworben haben, da die mit Unterstützung der DFG finanzierte FID-Collection ja nur ergänzend für die spezialisierte Forschung und nicht vollständig sein soll und darf. Eine Recherche im KVK (Stand 15.2.2018) ergab, dass noch fünf andere Bibliotheken das Buch ebenfalls erworben haben. Das ist bei einer in einer University Press erschienenen, mehr oder weniger spezialisierten Monographie auch nicht weiter verwunderlich. In Berlin, Heidelberg, Köln, Mainz und Münster kann das Buch ebenfalls gelesen werden. Dass es gerade an diesen Orten zu finden ist, ist ebenfalls nicht erstaunlich, sind es doch alles Universitäten, wo es Professuren oder Sammlungsschwerpunkte zur amerikanischen Geschichte gibt. Ein genauerer Blick zeigt freilich, dass in Köln, Mainz und Münster die Bücher zu Präsenzbibliotheken gehören. Für Wissenschaftler, die an anderen Orten arbeiten, sind also nur noch - oder immerhin noch? - drei Exemplare übrig, die über die Fernleihe bestellt werden können; das des Göttinger FID’s sowie die in Berlin und Heidelberg vorhandenen.

Das Buch ist nicht nur ein Beispiel dafür, wie spezialisiert mittlerweile der geisteswissenschaftliche Publikationsmarkt geworden ist; es verweist ebenso darauf, dass ausländische wissenschaftliche Monographien, so interessant ihr Thema auch sein mag, häufig nur in wenigen Exemplaren an deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken vorhanden sind. Reicht das für die Forschung in Deutschland aus? Die Frage ist schwer zu beantworten, als Bibliothekar kann man aber immerhin feststellen, dass die Fernleihe in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland sehr effizient geworden ist. In 8 bis 10 Tagen kann ein Buch nach einer Bestellung beim Leser sein, sofern natürlich nicht mehr als drei Wissenschafter gleichzeitig auf die Idee kommen, dass dieses Buch für sie interessant sein könnte. Gegenüber den Lieferfristen der 1980er oder frühen 1990er Jahre hat sich die Effizienz des Fernleihsystems also deutlich verbessert. Ein Faktor, der auch auf das Konzept eines FID zurückwirkt. Denn die Sammlung eines FID’s steht nicht mehr primär für sich selbst, sondern wird immer als Teil eines nationalen Systems gesehen. Aus Sicht der DFG, die 70% der Erwerbungskosten bei gedruckten Medien trägt, kann es auch nur darum gehen, die Forschung in Deutschland und nicht eine einzelne Sammlung zu unterstützen. Eine FID-Collection ist damit subsidiär zu sehen als eine Ergänzung zu den einschlägigen, in deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken in größerem Umfang vorhandenen Titeln. Wer die Geschichte der modernen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken kennt, weiß, dass das per se nichts Neues ist. Die moderne Bibliothek hat sich schon immer als Teil eines Systems gesehen. Amerikanische Bibliothekare haben bereits in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts darüber geschrieben; und der Umfang der Fernleihe in preußischen Bibliotheken wurde um 1900 von amerikanischen Bibliothekaren durchaus als Vorbild verstanden. Der FID setzt dieses Konzept nur sichtlich akzentuierter um als die frühere Sondersammelgebietsbibliothek, die noch das Paradigma der möglichst vollständigen lokalen Sammlung mit dem der überregionalen Literaturversorgung verband.

Das Beispiel des Buchs American Organic zeigt damit, wie die Sammlung der Library AAC als FID-Collection funktioniert: Sie ist Teil eines Netzwerkes, Teil einer mittlerweile gut erschlossenen Landschaft wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken in Deutschland. Und ihr primärer Zweck ist es, aus der gesamten, internationalen Buchproduktion die Bücher zu sammeln, die voraussichtlich von den meisten anderen Bibliotheken in Deutschland nicht (mehr) gekauft werden - und über das existierende Fernleihsystem den Lesern zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Diese selektive Sammlungspraxis ist zugleich - noch stärker als früher - auch eine verteilte Aufgabe zwischen Lesern und Bibliothekaren. Die vorausschauende Erwerbung für die FID-Collection durch die Bibliothekare ist nur eine Seite; die andere Seite ist, dass Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler damit stärker bei der Auswahl mitwirken können als früher. Alles, was sie benötigen, was aber in Deutschland nur schwer über die Fernleihe erreichbar ist - weil die Titel zum Beispiel vor allem in Institutsbibliotheken mit Präsenzbestand vorhanden sind - kann für die FID-Collection erworben werden. Sollte Ihnen also einmal trotzdem ein Buch oder einen Artikel nicht zugänglich sein, können Sie Ihren Wunsch an uns schicken und wir erwerben den Titel für Sie.

American Studies AUS & NZ Studies Canadian Studies British & Irish Studies
news-192 Wed, 04 Apr 2018 18:10:13 +0200 Just licensed: 'Irish Newspaper Archives' Explore Ireland's Past and Present! What’s happening in the Gaeltacht today? How did Oscar Wilde appear in the Irish press at his time? To answer questions like these and many more, delve into the 'Irish Newspaper Archives' which provide access to about 80 contemporary and historical Irish newspapers. With more than six million pages, this digital archive is the most encompassing full text database of Irish newspapers, covering the time span from 1753 until today.

We’ve just licensed it and all interested readers being affiliated to a German research institution can register free of charge. The database offers excellent search and browsing options. Read more about it!


Licenses British & Irish Studies
news-186 Thu, 22 Feb 2018 15:35:49 +0100 ... and here are even more Canadiana! Many thanks to the Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien! Every year at the conference of the Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien in Grainau, recent publications on Canada are presented in a book fair. This year, the Library AAC and the FID Romanistik were so lucky to receive the books after the meeting. Today, the boxes arrived and we've justed unpacked them. Many, many thanks to the GKS!

Canadian Studies
news-183 Wed, 14 Feb 2018 18:08:30 +0100 Browse Library AAC’s Canadiana Looking for a pastime on the train to Grainau? It’s a long ride to the venue of the Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien in Grainau – how about browsing Canadiana in our catalogue on the way? Find a large selection here!

The Library AAC and FID Romanistik are looking foward to meeting you at the conference! If you want to learn more about our services, visit our workshop on Sunday, 9:00-10:30 in the ‘Friederspitz’ (Neue Angebote für Wissenschaftler*innen – was bieten Ihnen die Fachinformationsdienste (FIDs)? / New Services for Researchers – What Do the “Fachinformationsdienste” (FIDs) Offer? / Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft (FID) – Nouveaux services pour les chercheurs).


Canadian Studies
news-173 Mon, 29 Jan 2018 12:23:33 +0100 Ein juristisches Standardwerk – aktueller denn je Freund, Ernst. Standards of American Legislation: An Estimate of Restrictive and Constructive Factors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1917. In der heutigen, schnelllebigen Zeit scheinen "Deals" einen höheren Stellenwert zu besitzen als eine ausgewogene Bewertung von Vor- und Nachteilen sowie sonstigen Auswirkungen der Gesetzgebungsvorhaben auf alle Schichten der U.S.-amerikanischen Gesellschaft. Sollten diese Rechtsetzungsakte nicht gerade die Möglichkeit bieten, die verschiedenen, widerstreitenden Interessen gehaltvoll abzuwägen, indem spezialisierte Fachleute und Institutionen an den Verfahren beteiligt werden? Wer sich mit den Aufgaben und der Zusammensetzung des U.S-Kongresses beschäftigt, wird feststellen, dass gerade die Kontrolle des Präsidenten, der Exekutive und die Rechtsetzung die Hauptaufgaben dieses Gremiums sind (English 10–11). Eine Beteiligung des Kongresses beim Erlass umstrittener Gesetze sollte demnach die Regel, nicht die Ausnahme sein. Dies scheint dagegen unter einer Präsidentschaft in Frage zu stehen, die zu großen Teilen auf "Executive Orders" basiert (Peters und Woolley). Einmal erlassen, ist nur für wenige Fälle eine Überstimmung des Präsidialerlasses seitens des Kongresses wahrzunehmen, sei es aufgrund der Kostspieligkeit des notwendigen Revisionsverfahrens oder eines Vetos des Präsidenten (Schickler und Lee 805).

Obwohl das vorliegende Werk in den letzten Jahren etwas in Vergessenheit geraten ist, könnte Standards of American Legislation von Ernst Freund eine Orientierungshilfe gerade in der heutigen Zeit bieten. Dieses Standardwerk U.S.-amerikanischer Gesetzgebungslektüre stellt Richtlinien auf, die zwingend einzuhalten sind, um Gesetzgebungsvorhaben ausgewogen zu gestalten.

Der Ursprung des Buches erklärt seinen ganz eigenen Charakter: Es ist keine systematische Abhandlung, sondern vielmehr eine Aufsatzsammlung konstruktiver Kritik an bereits etablierten Gesetzgebungsgrundsätzen. Das Werk entstand als eine Reihe von Vorträgen, die 1915 an der Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland gehalten wurden. Der Autor schlägt eine Methode vor, um die etablierte Lehre des Verfassungsrechts zu ergänzen, die durch Negation und Revision Gesetzesnormen durchsetzt. Durch ein System positiver Grundsätze, die die Erarbeitung von Regelungen leiten, versucht das Werk, dem Begriff des ordnungsgemäßen Gesetzgebungsprozesses einen klareren Sinn und Inhalt zu geben.

Viel beachtet seit dem Erscheinen im Jahr 1917, gewann der Autor mit diesem Buch, welches sich nachfolgend als Standardwerk etablierte, 1919 den Ames-Preis der Harvard Law School, Ein Blick in dieses Werk ist jedem zu empfehlen, der sich auf die Werte einer ausgewogenen Gesetzgebung besinnen und möglicherweise Parallelen zu aktuellen Ereignissen ziehen möchte.

Über den Autor

Ernst Freund (1864–1932) war ein bekannter amerikanischer Rechtsgelehrter. Er erhielt den Doktortitel der Rechtswissenschaften von der Universität Heidelberg (1884) und einen Ph.D. in der Politikwissenschaft von der Columbia University (1897). In den Jahren 1894 bis 1902 war Freund Professor für Politikwissenschaft und von 1903 bis 1932 Professor für Rechtswissenschaften und Öffentliches Recht an der Universität von Chicago. Er ist maßgeblich für die Entwicklung des Verwaltungsrechts in den Vereinigten Staaten verantwortlich.


Freund, Ernst. The Legal Nature of Corporations. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1897.
[SUB library catalogue entry] [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. Jurisprudence and Legislation, St. Louis: 1904. [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. The Police Power: Public Policy and Constitutional Rights. Chicago: Callaghan, 1904. [read it online]

Freund, Ernst (with Heinrich Brunner). The Sources of English Law. Boston: Little, Brown, 1908. [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. Cases on Administrative Law Selected from Decisions of English and American Courts. American Casebook Series, St. Paul: West, 1911. [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. The Problem of Adequate Legislative Powers under State Constitutions. New York: Academy of Political Science, 1914. [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. Standards of American Legislation. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1917.
[SUB library catalogue entry] [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. The Growth of American Administrative Law. St. Louis: Thomas Law Book Co., 1923.[SUB library catalogue entry] [read it online]

Freund, Ernst. Administrative Powers over Persons and Property; a Comparative Survey. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1928.[SUB library catalogue entry]


“We have seldom read an essay so philosophically and learnedly written and one which at the same time is extremely interesting as well as constructive. Mention is made of practically all our general classes of legislation during the last century, and in every instance we are treated with a learned historical review of the subject under consideration.” – American Law Review 52 (1918): 476. [SUB library catalogue entry]

“The great quality which Ernst Freund brought to the study of administrative law was his capacity for analysis. He was the Austin of the jurisprudence of administrative law.” – W.I.J., Law Quarterly Review 49 (1933): 588. [SUB library catalogue online]

Bibliographische Angaben

English, Ross M. The United States Congress. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2003. [SUB library catalogue entry] [read it online]

Schickler, Eric und Lee, Frances E., ed. The Oxford Handbook of the American Congress. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. [SUB library catalogue entry]

Peters, Gerhard und Woolley, John T. The American Presidency Project. 2017. 15. Januar 2018 <>.


American Studies
news-162 Mon, 01 Jan 2018 20:05:00 +0100 Mary Shelley’s "Hideous Progeny": Celebrating 200 Years of Frankenstein We are kicking off the new year by commemorating the bicentennial of a modern myth. Published anonymously on January 1, 1818, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus fused elements of the Gothic novel with contemporary ideas about education and recent developments in natural philosophy to create one of the first and most consistently relevant science fiction stories. The tale of a young scientist who gives birth to and then abandons an artificial being has engendered not only a plethora of critical readings but has left an indelible mark on the popular culture of the 20th century and beyond. Like much of Gothic fiction, the narrative is imbued with a troubling and crucial ambiguity by presenting the points of view of both Frankenstein and his monster: Creator and creation are both victim and victimizer whose individual choices have propelled them on a relentless path of mutual destruction.

Frankenstein has been adapted for various media over the last two centuries. Most influential were James Whale’s two films for Universal studios, Frankenstein (1931) and Bride of Frankenstein (1935), starring Boris Karloff in one of cinema’s supremely iconic makeup designs. More recently, the TV series Penny Dreadful (2014-2016) poignantly imagined an alternative version of events in which Frankenstein does assume the role of nurturing parent to his bewildered and gentle creation only to have this re-writing of the story violently collide with Shelley’s original text in the form of the first-born monster’s vengeful return.

While film adaptations have often focused on the visual spectacle of the monstrous birth, the novel is characterized by its emphatic intertextuality (particularly its commentary on Milton’s Paradise Lost) and the importance of books for its characters. Indeed, for both Frankenstein and the creature the process of self-definition is achieved through reading.

With the rise of feminist criticism in the 1970s, Frankenstein has increasingly been read not just as a discussion of motherhood, parental abandonment and postpartum depression, but of the process of writing itself or, more specifically, as a way of exploring the notion of female authorship as something inherently monstrous. Indeed, in the introduction to the revised 1831 edition, Mary Shelley compares herself to Frankenstein, the creator of monstrous things. Yet unlike her male protagonist she professes affection for her creation and bids her “hideous progeny” (almost in anticipation of one of science fiction’s most famous greetings) to “go forth and prosper”.


Further Reading

A good place to start are these seminal essays from the late 1970s / early 1980s: 

Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar: "Horror's Twin: Mary Shelley's Monstrous Eve". The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1979, 213-47. [SUB library catalogue entry]

Johnson, Barbara. "My Monster / My Self." Diacritics 12 (1982): 2–10. 

Moers, Ellen. "Female Gothic." Literary Women: The Great Writers. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1976, 90-110. [SUB library catalogue entry]

Books from the SUB Göttingen collection depicted in the photo above:

Friedman, Lester D., and Allison Kavey. Monstrous Progeny: A History of the Frankenstein Narratives. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2016. [SUB library catalogue entry]

Lochhead, Liz: Blood and Ice: The Story of the Creation of 'Frankenstein'. London: Hern, 2009. (Play dramatising the creation of Shelley's novel.) [SUB library catalogue entry]  

Spurr, David, and Nicolas Ducimetière, eds. Frankenstein: Créé des Ténèbres. Paris: Gallimard, 2016. (Exhibition catalogue.) [SUB library catalogue entry]

British & Irish Studies
news-158 Thu, 21 Dec 2017 19:35:38 +0100 "And it came to pass in those days..." From England to Göttingen - a tiny 14th century bible of English provenance Our Christmas image shows the familiar words of the Christmas gospel in Luke 2 in Latin ("Factum est autem in diebus illis..."), decorated with a red and blue fleuronné-initial in one of SUB Göttingen's Latin bibles. The 14th century manuscript of English origin is only 14,5 x 9,5 cm in size and was written on thin parchment in a tiny, very neat script. This bible is one of the many medieval books in SUB Göttingen's holdings which show traces of their history from the time of their early use until today.

Even though it is nearly impossible to reconstruct the complete history of a book of this age, a manuscript can still tell us something about its changing contexts and uses. Script, decoration, size and material point to the value, meaning and function of a book for its first owner as well as to its time and region of origin. Notes of its early readers can tell us something about their reactions to the text, personal entries allow to perceive fragments of lives long gone, ownership entries bring names, places and professions of readers into view. Fortunately, the encompassing library archive of SUB Göttingen often allows to reconstruct how a book came to be part of our holdings, uncovering another link in a long chain of different usage contexts.

The bible shows entries from around 1400 mentioning a family Theronde and was given to a monk of Winchcombe abbey by a man called Hugo Leye in 1512. In the 18th century the manuscript was owned by César de Missy (1703–1775), a theologian and chaplain of George III. César de Missy collected manuscripts of the bible for a new edition of the New Testament. This one he acquired in 1746, as his exlibris documents. After his death his collection was sold and the manuscripts are now kept in different libraries. SUB Göttingen owns four of the New Testament scholar's medieval manuscripts, three of which were given to the library by Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-1798) in 1776.

Tracing the little medieval bible's history thus leads us right into the circles of London scholars in the 18th century, showing how the book's readerships and usage contexts changed over time. The single steps of this bible's history remain still to be examined in detail, which will happen in our current manuscript cataloguing project.

The Library AAC team wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!



Manuscript shelf mark: 8° Cod. ms. theol. 4 Cim. - Suggest it for digitization

Medieval manuscripts from César de Missy's collection in SUB Göttingen:

4° Cod. ms. theol. 33 (Greek lectionary, 15th century)
4° Cod. ms. theol. 50 (Letters of St. Paul, 13th/14th century)
8° Cod. ms. theol. 3 Cim. (Latin bible, 14th century)
8° Cod. ms. theol. 4 Cim. (Latin bible, 14th century)

Look them up in our manuscript catalogue.

British & Irish Studies
news-156 Sat, 09 Dec 2017 10:15:00 +0100 "Paradise Lost" als lyrische Fundgrube Anlässlich Miltons Geburtstag: Zur Neuauflage von Ronald Johnsons "Radi os" (1977). "Radi os" - der Titel dieses Gedichts von 1977 des amerikanischen Schriftstellers Ronald Johnson ist ein melodisches Überbleibsel der zwei Wörter "Paradise Lost". Denn das epische Gedicht von John Milton aus dem Jahr 1667 ist der Prätext, aus dem Johnsons Werk mit den Mitteln der erasure poetry gewonnen wurde, bei der aus vorgefundenen Texten Teile ‘gelöscht’ werden. In "Radi os" wurden die Leerstellen beibehalten, die die Worte Miltons hinterlassen haben. Sie setzen Johnsons Gedicht in ein ungewöhnliches visuelles Spannungsverhältnis mit der Buchseite und verweisen konstant auf seine literarische Vorlage.

Ein kurzer Blick auf die Forschungsliteratur zeigt die Vielfalt der Themen und Ideen, die in Bezug auf Johnsons Gedicht diskutiert werden, wie zum Beispiel die Beziehung Johnsons zu dichterischen Vorbildern wie Milton und Blake, die Gemeinsamkeiten seiner literarischen Methode mit dem von Blake genutzten Verfahren der Ätz-Radierung oder die Verortung des Gedichts in der amerikanischen Literaturgeschichte. Johnsons Gedicht wird einerseits als poetische Neuschöpfung betrachtet, andererseits eher als die Arbeit eines Editors als die eines Autors.

"Radi os" befindet sich also im Zentrum vieler Themen und Fragen, die die Arbeit von Literaturwissenschaftler*innen und Literaturhistoriker*innen in den letzten Jahrzehnten bestimmt haben. Es bietet gleichsam einen erhöhten Punkt, von dem aus weite Forschungsfelder wie Intertextualität und Autorschaft überblickt werden und Fragen zu Genre, zum Begriff der Postmoderne oder zur Rezeption von kanonischer Literatur verhandelt werden können.

Für die Neuauflage des Gedichts von 2005 wurde ein Detail aus Blakes Gemälde "Satan Watching the Endearments of Adam and Eve" (1807) für die Covergestaltung verwendet, der mehrere Illustrationsserien zu Miltons Werk geschaffen hat.

American Studies British & Irish Studies
news-149 Fri, 08 Dec 2017 18:13:00 +0100 New: Data Management Tips How is your data? Do you have a system for managing your files? Check out our data management pages for tips on naming, organising, securing and re-using your files. Make your work run even more smoothly and avoid unpleasant surprises like data confusion and loss!

news-151 Wed, 06 Dec 2017 11:32:07 +0100 Digitalcourage's Advent Calendar Discover 24 tips for digital self-defence! Digitalcourage e.V. has set up a great advent calendar, presenting useful background information on our everyday digital experiences, offering tips and sustainable alternatives. The Library AAC team is already reading eagerly! Curious?
